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End of the Year Reflections: A List of Mikel's Top 10 Things and a List of Questions to Ask Yourself as we Say Goodbye to 2023

Written by Mikel Porter | Dec 31, 2023 4:39:16 PM

I love listening to end of year podcasts and reading blogs of other people’s “best of” lists from 2023. One of my favorite humans did her personal top 5 favorites on her Facebook page and I decided I wanted to make one and share it with YOU. So here is a list–in no particular order–of things I loved and things that worked for me in 2023. It was a fun process to list them all and narrow them down. What is on your favorites list for the year?!


ADVENT WITH A GROUP: This is the first year I did advent with a group of friends and I LOVED it. We followed the same reading, met around the table and had great discussions each week. Talking it through with others really helped me process and reflect on my reading. I will be doing this again next year–would love for you to join us! 


MEDITATION CANDLES: I had no idea these existed till this year! I have beeswax candles that are 42 minute burn as well as some that are 20 minutes long. I’ve always loved lighting a candle for my prayer and reading time–it represents God’s Spirit with me. I never knew they made some that burn for the amount of time I want to focus. They are pretty magical too–the wax just disappears! No dripping or puddling at the bottom. Love them. Here are some I bought: 20 Minute Candles


COZY EARTH SHEETS: After 15 years of marriage, Chris and I finally got a new mattress. I decided I wanted to search for some amazing sheets to go with it. Sleep is more important to me now than at any other time in my life–or perhaps just more possible now that the girls are older. I purchased multiple sets from different brands to test and I do believe we found the most amazing sheets on the planet–Cozy Earth! They are made of bamboo, stay cool all night long and are so, so soft. I have given them as gifts and will continue to do so. They give a 100 night sleep test to try them out–they are definitely one of the best things we bought in 2023. (I’ve purchased several sets so they gave me a discount code for friends if you’re interested. Use code “MikelPorter" for a 40% discount).


METAL STRAW: I’m a pretty good water drinker. I like my water in a Yeti or Stanley or some sort of cup that keeps it REAL cold. But I discovered this year, the secret to consuming a lot of water is to add a metal straw to the cold cup! Voila! 


FLAMELESS CANDLES: I love a table full of taper candles, but with the wind in Texas, they aren’t as dreamy in real life as they are in my mind. I purchased some battery operated tapers and they are beautiful! I’ve since heard they make rechargeable ones–even better. These have added beauty to my tables, my mantel and over each of my nativities.  I got mine here on Amazon.


FITrx WORKOUTS: I’ve been getting up early 2 days a week to workout at FITrx since August of 2022. This has been consistent in my life for a year and a half. It has worked for 2 reasons: 

  1. I’m meeting others there so I know when my alarm goes off, I’m motivated to get out of bed and get moving.
  2. I know exactly what to do because my coach (also my sister!) has programmed the workout, shows me how to do each movement and then coaches me through. 

I love lifting weights and I love knowing I can do it even after having 4 babies and some random injuries over the years. Working out in a Physical Therapy Clinic is a grand idea and it’s one of my favorite things. I didn’t realize I had been consistent with this for so long until I calculated it today. I’m proud of myself. Yay! 


RATIO YOGURT: This year, I’ve worked to try to increase protein in my diet. My sister introduced me to this yogurt that has 25 grams of protein. I add a serving of Catalina Crunch (cinnamon flavor)  cereal and a drizzle of honey for a total of 36 grams of protein in my snack! This is a real struggle for me so finding this yogurt was a big help!


HALLOW APP: I’ve been using the Hallow App for daily meditations and prayer routines. I’m still in discovery mode but I really enjoyed an advent series that was based on some CS Lewis writings and a 12 days of Christmas Music Challenge that was enlightening and beautiful. I look forward to adding to my rhythms in 2024.


MEME TABLES: If I had to choose just one, my very favorite thing from 2023 was the addition of my “Meme tables” on our patio. I knew I wanted to honor my grandmother’s legacy as a gatherer of people and as someone who always had room for everyone at her table. I ordered mine from “Neighbor’s Tables”-- I love Sarah’s story and their tables are just beautiful. I’ve hosted over 50 people at our tables this fall and I have the goal of 250 people around my tables in 2024. Would love for you to join us for a meal.

Looking Back on 2023…


I played Pickleball with my parents today. I love being outside and I really enjoy the game, but my parents are stinking good at the game. They put in the time and get the reps and it doesn’t take long before they are beating me by a considerable amount of points. We get to the end of a game, they win, and then comes my favorite part: we start a new game, 0-0. Nothing magical happens to increase my level of play or to decrease their skill. But I feel good when we start over on even ground–I have a new chance! It’s a new beginning.


A new year feels a bit like a new Pickleball game with my parents. There’s nothing magical that shifts in my life when the clock strikes midnight and we move out of one year and into the next, but it feels like waking up on level ground. I’ve learned I start my new year best when I take time to reflect on the season I’m leaving behind. I like to take time by myself and put pen to paper as I look back. These are the questions I used as I looked back on 2023. They are from Emily P. Freeman (I enjoy her podcast, called “The Next Right Thing”).  I wanted to share them with you as you prepare for your 2024:


  1. What worked?
  2. What didn’t work?
  3. What do I need more of next year?
  4. What was the loneliest part?
  5. When did I feel most like myself?
  6. In what areas did my confidence grow?
  7. Who or what have I learned the most from?
  8. What were my favorite yeses?
  9. What were my surest nos?
  10. What’s one thing I know for sure?
  11. What progress am I celebrating from 2023?
  12. Name a pivotal decision I made this year.
  13. What is a question I’m still carrying into 2024?
  14. What do I want most in the new year?